Green Globes is an environmental assessment, education and rating system that is promoted in the United States by the Green Building Initiative, a Portland, Oregon-based non-profit.
Canada’s federal government has been using the Green Globes suite of tools for several years under the Green Globes name and it has been the basis for the Building Owners and Manufacturer's Association of Canada’s Go Green Plus program. Adopted by Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) Canada in 2004, Go Green Plus was chosen by Canada’s Department of Public Works and Government Services, which has an estimated 300 buildings in its existing portfolio.
The system, which is an online interactive software tool, competes with the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) system from the U.S. Green Building Council (another non-profit based in Washington, DC).
Green Globes helps both with the new construction of commercial buildings and with the maintenance and improvement of existing buildings.